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Survey: It’s Not Creating The Podcast That’s The Challenge, It’s Promoting It.

The podcast consultants at The Podcast Host have released their Podcast Problems Survey which quizzed creators about where they get caught up in the process, and how they overcome those challenges. The results show it is not the recording or publishing that is the biggest hurdle, but rather the promotion of the content once it is created. The survey found nearly half (48%) said promotion is where they get stuck. That is nearly three-times as many as who said coming up with ideas and scripting an episode – the second biggest challenge of those surveyed, cited by 18%. Fewer said they have issues with editing (13%), scheduling (9%), recording (8%), and uploading and publishing (3%).

The Podcast Host also asked about how funding impacts a creator’s ability to produce a show. Among those that responded to its survey – which the company says totaled about 250 podcasters – a third mention crowdfunding and sponsors, but they don’t think about money when they are creating. And half of those surveyed said they save up money to produce a podcast and never expect to recoup what they spent. A smaller number is focused on monetization. Among those surveyed, 14% said monetization is all they think about while about four percent said they plan their content around live ad reads or mentioning crowdfunding opportunities.

The Podcast Host’s Lindsay Harris Friel says in a blog post that promotion, discovery and competition are among the biggest frustrations for the podcasters who took the survey. “I put my work out there, but nobody can find it,” said one producer. Others said the guests on their shows can be a challenge. “Guests can be unpredictable, busy, or otherwise difficult. Or, they can be generous with their time, patient, willing to spread the word about your podcast, and provide inspiring content. They can also exercise a combination of any of these traits,” Harris Friel points out. Other challenges mentioned include troubles with technology – both equipment and software. Several podcasters also cited larger issues tend to be time management and work-life balance.

The majority of people said they searched on the internet to solve a specific problem. After that, many people said that they asked a friend, co-host, or a podcast network for help, especially people who have experienced the same problem.

Challenges aside, the survey also asked creators what they like most about podcasting. Freedom, self-expression, and creativity topped the list of responses, followed by “fostering connection, feedback, audience interaction, and helping others.” The Podcast Host says many people also said they enjoyed interviewing guests. Harris Friel says one respondent shared the heart-warming response: “It helped me get my light back.”

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