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MAGNA: Pharma Ads Do More Than Just Promote Medications.

For radio’s biggest pharma advertisers such as Pfizer and AbbVie, the benefits to listeners go far beyond simply raising awareness of treatment options. That’s based on the findings of a just-released study from MAGNA, the media intelligence and investment unit of IPG Mediabrands, in partnership with health ad platform DeepIntent.

The survey of more than 1,100 patients and 1,000 doctors across various specializations found that pharma ads also actively increase patient health intelligence, shape behavior, and improve health outcomes.

MAGNA and Deep Intent’s report, titled “Beyond the Prescription,” shows that nearly two-thirds (63%) of patients surveyed report learning about new medications through pharma ads, with similar results among younger respondents — 61% of Gen Z, and 62% of Millennials.

Additionally, more than half (55%) credit pharma ads with helping them discover new health conditions, while 62% say they would have missed out on learning about a condition affecting them, or someone close, if not for the ads. Likewise, 54% feel pharma ads have helped them better manage existing health conditions, and 61% say their overall understanding of their condition would be less comprehensive without these ads.

Among the sample of doctors, the feelings about pharma ads are nearly unanimous, as 92% say the ads increase patient awareness of treatment options, while 91% feel they improve patient understanding of their condition and encourage more proactive health management.

“This research shows that pharma ads truly have the potential to be much more than promotional tools and can be pivotal in helping people manage their health and discover new conditions,” Mediabrands Health Global President Melissa Gordon-Ring says. “It’s incredibly valuable to find data that supports that brands can utilize their ads to build trust and create a more significant impact on patient outcomes.”

The reported benefits of pharma ads are more pronounced among younger generations, multicultural audiences, and parents, all of whom show a greater likelihood of discovering new health conditions, or improving the management of existing ones, via exposure to pharmaceutical messaging.

For brands, the study’s key takeaways include: building greater trust with consumers, particularly by incorporating real patient stories and transparent, patient-centered messaging; engaging those younger generations and multicultural audiences, and including them in media strategies; aligning with health care providers, which see positive results from pharma ads; and prioritizing relevance by continuing to innovate new tools and technology to deliver on relevant pharma.

“Pharmaceutical advertising has the potential to transform patient experiences, yet many brands overlook the significance of developing messages that resonate across different demographics,” DeepIntent Chief Commercial Officer John Mangano says. “DeepIntent’s research confirms that by embracing a more nuanced understanding of patient needs, brands can unlock greater engagement and drive meaningful health outcomes. MAGNA’s research presents a roadmap for brands to engage with diverse audiences more effectively, providing opportunities to enhance both brand loyalty and patient health outcomes through relevant, trustworthy advertising.”

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