With the percent of active job seekers up significantly vs. a year ago – from 12% to 22%, according to the results of a MARU/Matchbox study commissioned by Cumulus Media/Westwood One's Audio Active Group – and passive seekers now outnumbering actives by a nearly-two-to-one margin, it's created a perfect opportunity for job websites to get the word out.
Based on Westwood One's blog's analysis of the findings of the study, which surveyed 1,000 respondents in July, AM/FM radio reaches three-quarters of job seekers, while both AM/FM streaming and podcasts reach half. That's especially important in reaching passives who, while less likely to job search online, show much greater use of sites such as ZipRecruiter and Monster since 2021, and actives, where use of both sites has also grown while Indeed.com is the most used job-hunting option.
“If you're trying to reach, as a business, people to hire, you're gonna miss a lot of these passive job seekers who are not on the job sites, and that's why you need to advertise beyond just job sites,” Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group Chief Insights Officer Pierre Bouvard says. “It's the audio platforms that give you the passive and active job seekers.”

AM/FM radio is the most-mentioned advertising medium used in the past month among passives and actives, according to MARU/Matchbox's data. While AM/FM radio streaming and podcasts have lower reach, they over-index for job seekers, especially passives. A plus for podcasts is their significant reach of both seekers and hiring managers: the latter are 30% more likely to be regular listeners to podcasts (65%) versus the market overall (50%). “No doubt that's why you hear so [many] Indeed and ZipRecruiter [ads on podcasts], it's a great place to reach hiring decision makers,” Bouvard says.

The younger skew for active job seekers, with a mean age of 36.6 vs. passives' 46.6, means they're best reached by more contemporary radio formats such as top 40 and AC, while passives are more likely to tune to classic rock. Classic hits scores well with both, while top 40 scores highest for both actives and hiring decision makers. As for podcasts, the comedy genre clicks with all three groups, while news/current events-based podcasts score highest among passives and those hiring.
MARU/Matchbox's research shows Indeed the far-and-away leader in ad recall, mentioned by 38% of the sample, with ZipRecruiter at 22%. That dovetails with Media Monitors data for the first half of 2002, showing Indeed as radio's top account with 1.7 million spot occurrences, and ZipRecruiter fourth with 935,000.

As pointed out by Westwood One's blog, Indeed, ZipRecruiter and Monster not only lead or show key growth in recall among each job-seeking and hiring segment, all display a greater share of voice compared to their market share, suggesting future growth. Dividing brand ad spend over total job site category spend using Kantar and MARU/Matchbox data, Indeed leads in both share of voice and of market among actives, while both ZipRecruiter and Monster have a greater share of voice vs. their current market share.
The major takeaway here, says Bouvard, is “You need to be in audio to reach job seekers. Since audio is the soundtrack of the American worker, it is no doubt the ideal platform to really reach job seekers and hiring decision makers.[While] LinkedIn and Indeed remain the leaders, the big story in the study are the Zip Recruiters and Monsters of the world, who have stepped up their commitment to audio and have seen a significant uptick in usage among job seekers and hiring managers.”