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Competitive Info: Broadcast TV Networks’ Reach For Viewers 18+ Now Under 50%.

According to new findings from MoffettNathanson Research, the reach of major broadcast TV networks for viewers 18+ has dipped below 50%. That’s down from 70% to 75% a decade ago.

Meanwhile, cable networks now reach less than 30% of this demographic.

MediaPost, citing MoffettNathanson figures, says that as of the second quarter of this year, the estimated reach of the Big Three Networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — was 46%, 41%, and 41%, respectively, with Fox at 34%. In Q2 2014, those reach percentages were 78%, 74%, 76%, and 70%.

“Linear TV reach — the core advantage for these networks — has seen a significant decline over the years,” MoffettNathanson Research notes.

Some cable channels, including TNT (27%), TBS (22%), USA Network (17%), and FX (14%), have also seen major declines. A decade ago, those numbers were 54%, 52%, 46% and 48%, respectively.

Cable news networks like CNN and Fox News Channel are currently at 13% each, down from 27% and 20%, respectively.

Since 2015, viewing time for those 18-49 has plummeted by 70%, while the time spent viewing among those 2-17 has nosedived a whopping 86%.

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